Case in point, I have two Magnum radios with RFX75's on them. I have used both as base units, and aning no amp. When I key up my mic, it causes the DVR in our living room to stop recording. I can only wonder if it would play havoc on fuel injectors and such.Īlso if you run it in your truck, you might want to run it straight to the battery as it draws some amkps and the trucks stock wiring may not be adequate enough for the demand.Īlso agree how hot it gets depends on how it's driven HOWEVER you can buy a mini fan kit thru Magnum that sticks on the rear and helps keep it cool. Also a determining factor is if you have enough air circulation around the RFX. Stick it in a cubby hole and all bets are off.Īs for talk range.again that too varies. Your antenna height, placement, SWR, propagation, etc. If you run a good antenna such as a Wilson 1k (or a 102 whip if you aren't putting it on a semi) and had the antenna on the roof of the truck with a low 1.5:1 SWR, and as long as skip wasn't heavy, 10-15 miles could be doable. In all honesty your RFX might push your signal 1 db over a stock Cobra 29 to the individual monitoring at 10 miles. Unlike it's smaller cousin, the RFX 75, it does NOT replace the finals in the rig it is attached to. Just like an amp it connect between the radios output and the antenna.

It just doe the "connecting" inside the radio chassis. It is driven by the finals already in your radio. It's a pretty solid unit that work well and can give you decent output without a separate box for an amp. Bad news, you will probably NOT see near 150 watts.
Whats a rfx 150 upgrade#Įven if the radio had a MOSFET upgrade and is seeing 40 watts PEP BEFORE the 150, unlikely you'll see 15o watts. Palomar, thre manufacturer, states 540- watts as what's needed to drive it. Even then, from what I have seen, it won't do 150. Want a strong signal for just driving down t5he road in a compact package? It will do ya. Also driving it with less than 40 watts will definitely extend the life of the 150. In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell One word of caution! DO NOT USE THE STOCK RADIO POWER CORD! GET ONE OF THE DUAL FUSED HEAVY DUTY ONES.On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber This, added to a nice variable modulator mod, makes a nice, strong, good sounding rig in a single box. Links ⇢ FAQ ⇠ Library National Subredditsġ. No discriminatory language or actions towards others. This includes racism, sexism, transphobia, ageism, ableism. No flaming other users (insulting, name-calling, using discriminatory language).Ģ. Trolling means posting inflammatory content/posts in an attempt to sow unnecessary discord in the subreddit.ģa. No spam, no low-effort shitposts This includes posts begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you've posted content (especially if it's your own), give it a few days before posting again.Ĥ. No alt-right/fascist, authoritarian, totalitarian or incel content. Do not post/crosspost content that supports alt-right, fascist, authoritarian, totalitarian, or incel ideologyĥ. I wuld buyba test SW meter at a CB store or truckstop and a 3 foot coax jumper and use it to adjust your SWR and no the radios meter.No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. Oreferably between 1.0 and 1.5 is the majic atea.
Any time thev29 series gets tuned evenslightly you eed to readjust thevantenna warning pot. Reinstall 4 cover screws, hook up your antenna coax. Youhave just adjusted your antenna warning sydtem. Then release moc key and agsn yurn very slowly clockwise until light goes,out. Release mic key and then key mic again and yurn pot vounter #wise just unil lihjt comes back on. Insert screwdriver in pot, and turn it clockwise while holding mic key gown. Lacking a screwdriver you can flatten a piece of coat hanfer and file itvto resemble a screwdriver or steal on of your wifes screwdrivers from her sewing machine. You will need a small flat top screw diver that fits in the slot of the pot. There is a number on the circuit board by the pot. At the back right corner area inside the radio is an adjustable potentiometer, commonly called a pot. To fx this,remove the 4 screws that hold the bottom cover on.

Also some Cobra 29s are adjusted to touchy and borderline. Was your radio peaked and tuned? If so the Antenna Warning pot needs,to be adjusted.